So much has been happening with Banstead TaeKwon-Do over the last year: moving BACK to a Banstead training location; local seminars; competitions; international seminars; Blackbelt promotions; and colourbelt grading successes; so much so that I have neglected to make time for website updates, however I will start now ;)
All Aboard
October 14th saw an official evening grading for all eligible colourbelts. We had 20 people grading across all age groups: I think the youngest was 7 years old, and the oldest was 43. We ranged from brand new beginners with 6 to 8 weeks of training, to a young student going for a high grade Blue belt with 4 years training.
Grading System
The ITF TaeKwon-Do grading system has guidelines for training time, attendance amount and frequency, international standard, knowledge, ability and individual considerations. There are 9 gradings from white belt before a student has the chance to sit their grading exam for 1st Degree Blackbelt, this would be their 10th grading.
Stay With It
The time required for the body and mind to develop enough between each grading level increases exponentially the higher up the system the student climbs. When a student reaches 1st Kup, Red Belt with Black Stripe they must train at least twice a week with very few absences for at least 6 months, for many students the gap between 1st Kup and 1st Dan Blackbelt can take much more than this. It is important for the student to train and keep momentum, as soon as momentum is lost motivation wains and it's harder to 'get the ball rolling again'.
Internationally Recognised Awards
We had 24 people invited to the event, but 4 people couldn't attend either through work commitments or injury. But I am very pleased to announce that 20 people took part, and 20 people were successful in being promoted to their next grading level in ITF TaeKwon-Do.
Any student graded in ITF TaeKwon-Do has an award that will be recognised by any ITF TaeKwon-Do school across the Globe. It is something worth working towards and something to be very proud of, whether it's your 1st grading to 9th Kup OR a senior Blackbelt the feeling of passing is immense. Knowing your hard work has had a positive impact to your mind, body and outlook and will have positive knock on effects in your daily life.
Well done to all public evening class students, afterschool students who attended the event. Work hard towards your next one.
A special thank you to Georgia Thomas (1st Degree Blackbelt) who assisted the examiner (me), she did a great job helping me and this was her first time doing so in official capacity as a 1st Dan.
Thanks for Ethan and Dan, 1st Kup Black Tags, who helped out with organising the students in lines, demonstrating and working as sparring partners for some people.
-------------------------------------------------- James Davis 5th Degree International Instructor & Examiner Banstead TaeKwon-Do m: 07850 438 898 e: w:
i: f: t: --------------------------------------------------