One of our young juniors has had a wonderful martial arts experience during her summer holiday. In her own words:
"This summer I went to Black Sea, Bulgaria. There were classes of Brazilian fighting dance Capoeira. The coaches taught us some moves, showed examples and we also had sparring with them. It was cool!" - Anna, BTKD Junior
It's really cool to see this and she really is a super focussed student who will progress fast in TaeKwon-Do. She attends at least twice a week too.

WELL DONE and it's great to see you had a great time on holiday.
nb: these pictures are published with permission of the students Mum
-------------------------------------------------- James Davis 5th Degree International Instructor & Examiner Banstead TaeKwon-Do m: 07850 438 898 e: james@bansteadtkd.co.uk www.bansteadtkd.co.uk --------------------------------------------------