Banstead TaeKwon-Do Aberdour Club Information
We no longer run a club for Aberdour pupils as part of their afterschool options, BUT we do offer a class nearby that Aberdour pupils attend
Mondays 4:30 - 5:30pm
About the instructor - James Davis
Just briefly, because it is elsewhere on this site, I am the instructor for your TINY TKD classes and I founded BANSTEAD TAEKWON-DO in 2009 and we have been running ever since. I have students who are 16 and 17 years old who have been with me since 2009. TINY TKD gave them an excellent grounding in correct gross motor skills for graceful and powerful movement, how to work well in a group and to be a courteous and honest member of society. You can contact me at any time on
Fully insured
Internationally qualified Instructor and Examiner
Enhanced DBS
First Aid
29 years Martial Arts experience
About TaeKwon-Do for Juniors
Junior TaeKwon-Do is part of ITF TaeKwon-Do which is a worldwide recognised system of traditional Martial Arts development, grades earned by students in our classes are understood and valued at any other ITF TKD class anywhere in the world. TaeKwon-Do has many different facets and gives people the chance to excel in any area that they might find particularly interesting. Students do traditional formal movements, jumping kicks, power development and self protection. The system concentrates on gross motor skill development for athletic movement and co-ordination, there is a strong emphasis on group activity and learning the core basics of martial arts both physical and mental.
Class Times & Cost
The club will run each Tuesday of term
3 - 4pm in the School Gym
£6 per lesson payable in full for the term after the first trial lesson
How to take part for Spring Term 2023:
Email me on - let me know if you have attended before
Make the £75 bank transfer payment to me and use child's name as a reference:
11082259 -
In a day or two you will receive an email form for the pupils details and be enrolled for the term
I will send a list of pupils to the School and they will ensure the young students turn up
Bring a smile and have some fun
Email me on - let me know if you have attended before
Make the £75 bank transfer payment to me and use child's name as a reference:
11082259 -
In a day or two you will receive an email form for the pupils details and be enrolled for the term
I will send a list of pupils to the School and they will ensure the young students turn up
Bring a smile and have some fun
Some Banstead TKD'ers over the years
Email me on - let me know if you have attended before
Make the £75 bank transfer payment to me and use child's name as a reference:
11082259 -
In a day or two you will receive an email form for the pupils details and be enrolled for the term
I will send a list of pupils to the School and they will ensure the young students turn up
Bring a smile and have some fun